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The Covid-19 and the wedding industry is a hot topic right now.

Our Inboxes are overflowing with coronavirus emails and right now it all seems a little bit surreal.

The way it’s affecting the industry I love so much, the Event industry.

I’m a small business person and whether I like it or not the coronavirus is having an impact on everyone I know in business, myself included, there’s no getting away from the fact that coronavirus is changing thing.
Weddings are being canceled, flights are being stopped and any type of travel is becoming less likely to happen.

So how do we deal with the coronavirus in the wedding industry?

How can we weather the storm as wedding pros?

Well, first of all, don’t overreact. Take a long deep breath and think about how you’d want to be treated if you were affected.

As wedding pros, we’re in a service-based industry and now more than ever we need to remember that. Your bridal couples are going to be nervous, worried and looking for answers from you.

Remember to be empathetic…this is their wedding as well as your business. Think about how you can help them and what you can offer them through this time.

You may well get cancellation requests but is that really the best thing to do? Would it be better to postpone rather than cancel? Before you blindly hand out advice to your clients make sure you take some advice of your own.

The way you handle your business in times of crisis says a lot about you as a business owner and about the longevity, you can have.

Challenges in business will always be thrown at you and like anything in business you need to learn from these challenges and make sure you are ready for them if and when they rear their ugly heads again.

Be prepared.

Right now one of the best things you can do is read up on how best to prepare and protect your business both now and in the future.

This is the boy scout motto and for good reason, it’s always better to be proactive than reactive.

There’s no easy or quick fix here and nobody can really predict what’s going to happen or how long it will take before things go back to some form of normality. What you can do though is get rid of anything unnecessary and see what else you can do till things even out again.

Get creative

Are there any other things you can offer right now to see you through?

As a wedding planner you have great organizational skills so could those be put to use in other ways? Are there any services you can add to your offerings?

Can you do anything online that will help bring in revenue?

Self isolate yourself and come up with an imperfectly perfect plan on how you are going to start, grow, and scale your business

The wedding industry is full of amazing, hard-working, determined professionals and I know we’ll get through this as we’ve got through many other things.

However, if we are in fear and panic mode due to the coronavirus, your judgment will be clouded, and you will not see the opportunities before you. Yes, take precautions, but also be very sensitive to understand where your opportunities. Fight the fears with all you’ve got
Slowly begin to get rid of negative energy. Think positive thoughts and get your positive affirmations out and say them daily.

Feed your mind with what you want to be reflected in your reality.

Remember, together we are stronger.

Stay safe guys!


Temitope Victoria Oluwajimi
Founder Indigocrystal Concept

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