The 5Cs Of Event Management-Indigocrystal Events We are going to review . which is a great starting point for putting your plan together. let’s walk together. These are Concept, Coordination, Control, Culmination, and Closeout. But what do they mean? And how do you apply them to event management?
1 Event Concept
Firstly, The first step for planning a successful event is the event concept. Think about what the event will be held for. One of the best ways is to think about the greatest concerts ever held. Even if your event is not a concert, this gives you an idea of how you want your event to make attendees feel. is very important you ask yourself these questions.
Why you are holding your event;
Who will be in attendance;
When it will be;
Where it will be;
What will happen at the event?
Understanding the ‘Why’ and ‘Who’ also helps you to make headway into the ‘When’ and ‘Where’. If your target audience all live, or work, in a specific area, the location of your event might be a no-brainer.
2. Coordination
Secondly, Event coordination is where you start to develop your plans further. By this point, you should have a good idea about what you want your event to achieve – and now is the time to start building on it.
In the Coordination phase you’ll be looking at:
Deciding on a theme
Nailing down a solid budget
Drawing up an itinerary
Searching for a venue
Planning caterers/decorators
Booking entertainment/speakers/activity
Sourcing equipment
Coordinating transport and accommodation
Risk assessments & security
Contingency plans
Furthermore, Having defined the scope of your event, it is highly important to put control measures in place. However, Event control is all about managing and maintaining the planning stage. It takes the plans developed in the event coordination stage and puts them into motion
In event culmination, we reach the climax. The big day itself. Your event has come to fruition and it’s time to get the show on the road. But your job as event manager doesn’t stop when the event starts. In fact, it’s really only just begun.
As the event is progressing, in the same way, you have to make sure the itinerary is continuously being followed. If one speaker is speaking, you have to make sure the second speaker is ready for their speech.
Finally, As the reception is checking in guests, you want to make sure that the caterers are preparing the food and that it will be ready at the allotted time. In short, you need to always be alert at all times during the event.
5. Closeout
Once the event successfully ends, there is still work to be done. You want to make sure that all payments and termination of contracts with the vendors, caterers, speakers, etc. are completed.
Closeout also extends to post-event management, such as getting feedback from clients, evaluating your performance, thanking attendees and staff, reviewing the budget, etc. Although you may just want to have a long lie down after your event, post-event management will help you to understand if and how you reached your goals for the event, and how you can use the momentum gained from it to move forwards.
The 5 C’s of Event Management:
In conclusion, Now that you know the 5 C’s of event management, you are ready to plan your next great event. As long as you follow these 5 rules, you will always plan an unforgettable event.
And if you want to host an event in Nigeria, why not reach out to us?